February 29, 2008
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves William Shakespeare
An inspiration quote by the famous.. This quote is taken and shown on the local film The leap year.. i guess i will catch it =P. I hope this movie P.S i love you doesn't go off the cinemas yet..
signing off
Posted by Delwin at 2/29/2008 06:43:00 PM
Alright something to post today as well ..
firstly i receive my ae polo after 2 months.. finally it somehow via vpost USA. it can be really slow at times. really slow.. unlike hollister.. it arrives 3 days after posting an order.. hollister rocks... but then the international shipping charges are sky high.
so this is my polo after all...

A big hoo haa in singapore's security lapse
SINGAPORE: A security lapse at Whitley Detention Centre led to the escape of Jemaah Islamiyah leader Mas Selamat Kastari on Wednesday afternoon. Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng who apologised for the incident said Mas Selamat was being taken to the toilet before a meeting at the Family Visit Room when he escaped. He is still at large. Mr Wong was responding to questions raised by several concerned MPs in Parliament on Thursday. He said: "This should never have happened. I am sorry that it has. An independent investigation is underway and we should not speculate now as to what and how it happened. Security at the centre has been stepped up."
in my opinion, this should not haven happen at all.. Singapore is viewed as an secured country..
imagine a leader of the
Jemaah Islamiyah is able to escape. Since the time of the SAF personnel who stole the rifle,i guess the security should be reviewed yet again. Lets us don't take things for granted, dont let something bad happen..
This issue may affect Singapore image greatly, especially on SPF, it reflects greatly on how secured is our country. With international events such as F1, Youth Olympics, and the building of IRs in out island, we cannot afford to let our investments and image by such security lapses.
i hope that Selamat Kastari will be caught asap, and at least it will be accountable to the nation.
Posted by Delwin at 2/29/2008 12:39:00 AM
February 27, 2008
Boohoo..it has been since a long time i updated my blog with real solid stuffs, so heres a post which might be long.. First things First, Prelims are coming and the amount of work i done is not comparable to the revision i did in the first year.. totally out. well for now i can just put in my best effort though.. =P
Sorry for the late post.. someone was so sweet to get a Tee from hong kong during the holiday trip.. so heres the Tee .. Thanks for the tee.. i appreciate it and like it a lot =P

After a series of illness, my health is slowly getting back to normal.. during CNY, i missed out a lot on the goodies.. =(.. this year 2008, the rate of getting sick is really high sighs.. but well hopefully i can totally recover soon, cause there a series of events still awaiting *hints*
Anyway the inaugural Singapore AirShow 2008 was fun and good. despite some cockups here and there, the show is considered still not too bad. While working, came to know of three polytechnic girls.. LeeHan, Michelle and Mindy.. They really can entertain you.. while there is nothing to do..after interacting with them, i came to know that Singapore polytechnic now offers a course- events management.. sounds cool though..but then they are paid quite miserably though.. hearts out to them.. especially leehan staying in the west area.. poor thing have to get up so early.. i was lucky though.. i have someone to pick me up directly to the airshow. so that i can sleep slightly later.. thanks for the pickups =P
Up close and personal with the giant

proposing during the airshow ? after the performance by the black knights

how crazy i can get..

Apache... so wheres beta.. LoL

weishan and me.. inside some ST tank

The airbus being towed in after the performance

Even closer and personal with the airbus

P.S this is real picture. Taken while the airbus is towed out for the performance

one hand to carry the airbus...

whats the F1 car doing at Airshow.

Finally some time to cam-whore

the airbus yet again

and last but not least a picture from Jimmy lau's office

signs out delwin =P
i suddenly have this thought of second English name ..
Ethan? how about it ..
Delwin.Ethan Ho.. lolx or i remain delwin.ho
well, suddenly this urge of owning this device surfaces into my mind.. after all i will skip on my 960i, and go for this..
deLicious ♠ says (12:27 PM):
the device is so touchy that i wanna it =P

i will continue mugging for ICT and the rest of modules.. god bless me .. good luck to all who are mugging for the exams.. full throttles =)
Posted by Delwin at 2/27/2008 11:36:00 AM
February 14, 2008
New year new Tee new spending.
my new tee has arrived..

new dining place.. (can you guess the place .. LoL =P)
Posted by Delwin at 2/14/2008 10:50:00 PM
February 12, 2008
This past years, i am learned quite a number of new things.. inter-personal relations.
especially on the relationships. i guess i am those type guy who gets jealous easily, protective in nature and supporting the other half.. the person who gives more i guess.. of course.. i need to feel special, appreciated. I learned how to open up a bit.. learned how not to be so jealous.
我好累.. can you feel the emotions behind this three words..
Posted by Delwin at 2/12/2008 12:31:00 PM