April 30, 2008
oh yes.. finally after a long time not blogging ( should i say i am lazy) ... this weekend rather busy though.. Saturday had a good good dinner.. by looking at the pictures you will agree that .. LOL

on sunday i had a gathering friend's birthday .. went to eat at Indonesia riverside restaurant... KC and Kalvin bought a Mont Blanc card holder and PSP respectively. The food was good and only one thing.. it was terribly HOT there.. no WIND argh !! terrible .. After that we went to a pub for chilling .. watching soccer and my friend taught us how to play Texas poker..

On a side note, Auntie going for major op tml.. Jia you k =).. and Uncle ... you know who you are.... Take care.. you all will be watched over . hugs hugs.. and to that special one, take care too..
Posted by Delwin at 4/30/2008 06:36:00 PM
April 20, 2008
Kids having fun

while i having fun taking photos and

study =(
Posted by Delwin at 4/20/2008 01:38:00 AM
April 13, 2008
New loveeies....- new shirts..
a picture paints a thousand words
loves those shirts...
more to come ..
this time another brand.. =P
is this the Americanization of me ... ?
Posted by Delwin at 4/13/2008 12:46:00 AM
April 7, 2008
The vastness of life.. life passes each day like a finger's snap
each image is blurry .. until you made it clear with goals.
meanwhile inspirational times guide you along.meanwhile enjoy the day to your fullest

meanwhile lets carrying on doing the thing we are supposed to do =(
Posted by Delwin at 4/07/2008 01:03:00 PM
April 1, 2008
The Bucket List

a fully inspirational movie by two veterans morgan freeman and jack nicholason.
excellent movie, I love both actors and to see them together, was just amazing!
Touching yet it makes you ponder that life's should be nourished with positive meanings
i guess the final idea which was brought across was finding the joy in your life
have you found yours ?
Posted by Delwin at 4/01/2008 01:22:00 AM