June 23, 2008
Kelong trip..
my entire family went to kelong for a outstanding trip thanks for organising ..
such as cool outing.. and i am sure everyone enjoyed !

directly after kelong, i went straight to work. event - Singapore International Water Week
dead tired.. picture will do the talking

Posted by Delwin at 6/23/2008 10:18:00 PM
June 19, 2008

interacted with some big shots.. GM, Directors, VP of several companies like HP, Microsoft and Critix Oracle etc etc .. had a good chat with them. . helped them with their slides.. discussing the topic of the ix conference 2008.. Learned a number of lot new things.. cheers =P.
will be going kelong for the next couple of days then work again Singapore International water week.
Posted by Delwin at 6/19/2008 11:24:00 AM
June 17, 2008

caught this movie.. damn hilarious. i cant stop laughing !lolx
big and clusmy bear bear turn out to be the dragon warrior .. selected by master WU GUI lolx..
heya ! karate panda chops !
Posted by Delwin at 6/17/2008 12:52:00 AM
June 11, 2008
EXAMS ARE FINALLY DONE.. but then worries comes into play ! gosh this year papers are terrible.
however its a season to enjoy and relax too..
Had lunch at Ding Tai Fung.. had xiao long bao and pork nooodles..
Caught this movie.

Made of Honor revolves around Tom and Hannah, who have been platonic friends for 10 years. He's a serial dater, while she wants marriage but hasn't found Mr. Right. Just as Tom is starting to think that he is relationship material after all, Hannah gets engaged. When she asks Tom to be her "maid" of honor, he reluctantly agrees just so he can attempt to stop the wedding and woo her. a good mix of romance and comedy..
Had dinner at waraku

and had spent some time photo taking

Posted by Delwin at 6/11/2008 02:12:00 AM
June 7, 2008
上帝创造天地, 利用七天,将最美事物, 都放在人前面, 无论你经验什么, 只要你懂得珍惜, 一切事都可以很美丽
P.s i miss you
Posted by Delwin at 6/07/2008 07:01:00 PM