July 24, 2008
It since a long time i updated my blog.. busy!
busy working
busy sleeping
busy slacking
busy redesigning
was busy working during the past 2 weeks with some events. One of it is IMCAS Asia Singapore 2008 International meeting on aesthetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology where expert practitioners from all over the world gather to share their knowledge and ideas, alongside with leading firms in the related industry who will be presenting their most recent technologies and products. and i saw Georgia lee doing her some live experiment. As this organiser is from france, i managed to pick up a couple of words from them, like Yes, No, Thank you, bye bye, i added one of them in my facebook. lolx
mean while working i had this great view of the F1 track.

busy slacking

caught this movie damn hilarious cant stop laughing, but then the jokes are mainly for guys.. sorry girls. finally fulfilling his dream of becoming an hair stylist.
went out with your truely to eat thai express.. its good .. =P

i cant wait for my next event job. because i am OUT OF A JOB . anyone !
Posted by Delwin at 7/24/2008 11:32:00 PM
July 9, 2008
Singapore National Youth Orchestral @ Esplande concert hall

Posted by Delwin at 7/09/2008 12:55:00 AM